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Well, this is other stuff...


Welcome to the 'Other Stuff' Category, I have no Idea why I have put this in, I suppose I thought that I would fill it up, but I guess I was wrong, eh?  Still, here I shall go on about absolutely nothing for the entire page, but you will be mysteriously obliged to continue reading incase something interesting is mentioned, but nothing interesting will be mentioned so you might as well go away, oh, and be quick about it, I don't want idiots on this page!

Anyway, for those of you that don't like Saddam Hussein, go out and buy Desert Strike for the MegaDrive and Kick his ASS!  I reckon that Saddam should be shot on his left arm and left to bleed to death for at least two weeks for all of those nuclear weapons he made, all of that plutonium could have gone to a much better use, such as  British Nuclear warheads so that we can blow up Germany (Minus the BMW plant) and cause WW3!

Anyway, my Fav. car is a souped up Convertible BMW M3 Evolution.  It is a Gorgeous car and especially in Metallic Blue.  The Motorsport 3 series as it is called in a more lengthier way, has a 321Brake horse power 3192cc Engine made by BMW.  Anyone that has seen a Convertible, Metallic Blue BMW M3 would agree with me and say that it is probably the best car in the world - EVER!  When I say souped up, I mean put several Alpina turbochargers in it to give it more horse power than the cast of Black Beauty!

Last Updated: 1999